Saturday, December 26, 2009

Union’s opposition to excessive workshare discounts

A Clear Picture

"... For 1,000 automated letters, which cost the USPS $6.17 to process in delivery sequence, the Postal Service “forgives” $105 in discounts for a portion of the work required to sort the mail into delivery seuqence, resulting in a loss of $98.83 per 1,000 automated letters. That amounts to a loss of $98,830 for every 1 million letters.

I have repeatedly expressed the union’s opposition to excessive workshare discounts that shift the costs of postal services from large mailers to individual users. And I have frequently pointed out that the law governing the USPS stipulates that discounts must not exceed the postal cost avoided.

Despite the outrageous USPS giveaways to major mailers, our critics suggest that the Postal Service’s financial crisis can be addressed by reducing employee wages!!!..."    

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