Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Excellent Suggestion Found on Online Postal Employee Community Forum

Below you will find the text of an excellent beneficial suggestion that a member of the FederalSoup community has offered. The actual post can be found at: FederalSoup. Here is the full text of the suggestion:
Suggestion for the Postal Service...

With so many USPS leaders posting to the FederalSoup message board here, from D.C. and Hyattsville, Maryland, might I make a suggestion?

Suggestion: Obviously, the USPS is going to continue to make VER [Voluntary Early Retirement] offers to reduce the numbers. Without an incentive, the numbers taking these early-outs, are minimal. Every time the postal service makes an offer it gives employees an extremely short period of time to make a finalized decision. A decision of this magnitude deserves intelligent thought and planning. I suggest that the USPS announce a VER that would take place in January 2010 and another approximately six (6) months after that. This would provide a more reasonable time-frame for employees to:
# Seek Employment: It would be a benefit to permit us to have reasonable time to secure another job. Additionally, USPS should offer some type of liberal leave policy, as well as permitting a liberal "Leave of Absence" program, both designed and published as a program coinciding with the VER. This would give adequate time to find a job, go through the hiring process, and begin the new employment in an effort to ease the transition into a new life. I understand not everyone wishes to go to work after retiring, but for those needing to do so for economic reasons would have a better opportunity to do so.
# Adjust to Retirement: Sometimes people simply need more time to determine if they can handle sitting at home in retirement or after doing so for a short period, determining that they need to find another job simply to stay active. Liberal leave and/or a liberal "Leave of Absence" program would again, give individuals the time they need to structure a retirement that would be positive for themselves, the family, etc.
# Adjust Short-Term Savings: The extended VER time-frames would provide a more reasonable time to garner savings toward an adjustment period.

What do my fellow postal employees think about this? Do you think this would help some?


This Article is From: Rollin-Harleys at FederalSoup

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