Monday, September 9, 2024

U.S. Postal Service slowdowns are so bad, baby birds are dying in transit

"...According to Postal Regulatory Commission data, roughly 83% of first-class mail arrived on time in Kansas and Missouri in the first three months of 2024. That rate was the sixth worst of the 50 postal districts in the country. ...For days, Amy Gholson tracked a shipment of baby turkeys she ordered from an Ohio hatchery. She kept tabs online as the birds began the more than 500-mile trip to her home near St. Charles, Missouri, via the U.S. Postal Service.

The 10 birds needed to arrive in two days to ensure they’d survive the trip. It was late March and temperatures were still low, making the speed of the delivery more crucial than usual. But the baby turkeys, or poults, hadn’t even left Ohio when progress halted."    

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