Thursday, September 5, 2024

Out-Of-Control Absenteeism | Audit Finds Postal Employee ‘Availability’ Slipping; Calls on USPS to Tighten Controls

"...the share of scheduled working hours that they are on the job versus on some type of leave—has declined in recent years, says an inspector general audit that calls on management to tighten time and attendance controls. ...“We found progressive corrective action has not been consistent and sick leave, LWOP, and AWOL hours have generally trended upward

,” the report said. Sick leave hours rose from 47.6 million in 2020 to 51.3 million in 2022...In a sample of 400 regular sick leave occurrences of more than three days, management did not have the required medical documentation for 358, or 90 percent. “Supervisors were not always diligent with obtaining documentation from employees when they used sick leave for more than three days. Supervisors acknowledged that they understand the medical documentation requirement; however, they have not been consistent in requesting or requiring employees to submit documentation ... The IG also called for stronger oversight of the roughly 13,000 employees on the “the Zero Hours Dashboard” who had no work hours for 13 or more pay periods"    

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