Monday, July 10, 2023

USPS Is Holding On to 452 Cremated Human Remains

"You don’t want your final resting place to be a dead letter office, but unfortunately that’s where 452 people have found themselves, spending eternity as undeliverable mail with the U.S. Postal Service. ...The USPS is the only legal way to ship cremated remains. At least in theory, the USPS has strict procedures for handling such sensitive and irreplaceable packages. Remains must be shipped via Priority Mail Express and have a giant orange sticker attached to the side of the box (the sticker used to be teal). They are also supposed to be handled differently than other Priority Mail Express packages. However, the OIG report found some or all of these procedures are not done between 28 and 50 per cent of the time, which could go some way towards explaining how 452 cremated remains boxes ended up in the USPS’s warehouse for lost packages. ..."    

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