Implementation to Begin This Summer, No Specifics Provided
Excerpts From Announcement and Stand-Up Talk:
...consolidation activities will start this summer. After a break from
September through December, this first phase will resume in January
2013. A second phase will then continue beginning in February of
2014 unless our circumstances change.
Employees at affected facilities are being notified of the phases and
general timelines. At facilities where consolidation actiVity will move
forward this summer, employees will receive additional notifications
starting May 21.
Actions taken will comply with collective bargaining agreements,
Postal Service regulations and policies, and other applicable law.
The Postal Service Is announcing that we are moving ahead with a modified plan to consolidate
~s network of mail processing facilities. A phased approach will be used with Phase One starting
July 1,2012.
In an effort to keep you Informed so you can effectively communicate with customers, here are
some key polnt!l:
• Some consolldatlon activities will begin this summer, but there will be no facility closures this
• Due to heightened mail volumes predicted "for the election and holiday mailing seasons, no
consolidation activities will occur from September through Depember of 2012.
• Phase 1will resume in February 2013 and ovemight dellvery of First Class Mall will be
preserved for local areas through the end of 2013. Phase 2 will continue beginning in
February 2014 unless the circumstances of the Postal Service change, and the First-Class
Mail ovemight delivery standard will be applicable oniy to properly prepared and entered
intre-8FC Presort.
• Until a transition date has been announced, mailers will continue to be able to enter mall at
Business Mail Entry Units (BMEUs) at their current facilities.
• In the short term, there will be no ohanges to locations or operating hours of BMEUs, or retail
units, co-located with any affected facilities. A 120-day notice will be provided before any
BMEU moves, consolidations, or changes to hours of operation,
• Detached Mall Unit locations associated with impacted facilities will be maintained tc include
transportation, staffing, current Plant Load and Customer Supplier Agreements.
• Mailers are encouraged to align their preparation and entry to the new network. However,
mailers will continue to receive drop-Ship entry discounts for mall entered at Impacted
facilities based on 3-digit ZIP Codes currently allowed.
• Additional Information on mail processing consolidations is available at
In the event that a customer presents a question to whioh you do not know the answer, please
record the question and escalate to your Consumer and Industry Contact Manager.
Remember to thank our customers for the trust they have placed In us over the years, and that
we value their business, and are working harder than ever to position the Postal Service so that
we can continue to serve them for many years to come....