Postal news for those interested in the mailing industry, postal employees, stamp collecting, etc...
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Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Postal Service is vital to America
If you are looking for a great action and adventure movie that inspires the American spirit as well as identifying the vital need for a postal service, then the 'The Postman' (1997) is the movie to watch. The movie kindles the American spirit while reinforcing the fact that rural post offices are the vital glue that binds our great country together. The movie is a strong argument against the current U.S. Postal Service trend of closing rural post offices which in turn is destroying the promise of Universal Service to our nation. You can order the movie from Netflix who describes 'The Postman' as taking place in the year 2013, amidst the desolation of a decimated, post-apocalypse United States, rogue groups of armed men prey on individuals. The largest of these -- the Holnists, led by General Bethlehem (Will Patton) -- seeks to rule the country. They capture a drifter (Kevin Costner), who escapes at first chance and stumbles on an abandoned mail Jeep. He begins delivering its letters, eventually restoring hope and inspiring revolution. You can also order The Postman [Blu-ray]
from Amazon might even make a nice stocking stuffer for that postal employee in your life.
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