OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL MEMBERS TO GET INVOLVED IN 2008 NPMHU NATIONAL CONVENTION "...The Credentials Committee is chaired this year by Local 321 (Colorado) Vice President Don Gonzales, and also includes (in alphabetical order) Mark Addington, President of Local 327 (Montana); Bob Blum, Vice President of Local 300 (New York metropolitan area); Don Chapman, President of Local 325 (Mississippi); Julio Figueroa, President of Local 313 (Puerto Rico); Lisa Greer, Recording Secretary and N. Metro Branch President of Local 310 (Georgia); Teresa Harmon, Virginia State Executive Board Member of Local 305 (Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and the District of Columbia); Jessie Leonard, President of Local 317 (Alabama); and Bruce Phillips, President of Local 329 (Arkansas and Tennessee).
Meeting in July will be several committees that will consider all proposals that are timely submitted to amend the NPMHU constitutions or for adoption as resolutions by the elected delegates. To become involved in this process, mail handlers who are members in good standing of the NPMHU are allowed to submit proposals for consideration first by these committees, and ultimately by the delegates meeting in Convention. To submit proposals, mail handlers must follow the requirements set forth in the NPMHU National Constitution...." Reference: www.npmhu.org