Thursday, March 4, 2010

Union Rejects USPS Call For Five-Day Delivery, New Business Model

"...“Postal management has intensified its financial problems by offering excessive worksharing discounts to major mailers and by subcontracting work at exorbitant costs,” Burrus said. Worksharing discounts are given to mailers that pre-sort and pre-barcode their mail, he said, but the discounts exceed the costs the Postal Service avoids when the work is performed by mailers. “Subcontracting is another important source of waste and inefficiency,” he noted.

“We call for a thorough investigation by the Office of the Inspector General into the expanding role of subcontracting and the inflated costs associated with them,” he said.

“Furthermore, we reject any effort to pollute the collective bargaining process with threats of draconian work-rule changes.” Contract negotiations will begin in August. ..."    postal news

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